Hyper-Targeted Out-Of-Home

Each year, the Association for Data-Driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA) holds their Global Forum conference – featuring the industry’s brightest minds from around the world.
Last year’s event was a huge success, so our challenge was to build on this and entice a fresh audience of potential delegates to buy tickets in the 2016 lead-up.
To do this, we used one of advertising’s oldest ‘one-to-many’ mediums, out-of-home (OOH), and harnessed our biggest strength: data.

Partnering with oOh! Media, we developed a hyper-targeted campaign featuring personalised, localised and near real-time messaging – a world-first for OOH media.
First, we identified 4800 prospects from 500 companies using first-party data, overlaying longitude/latitude coordinates – and even the curvature of the earth – to pinpoint the closest oOh! Media café and elevator ad screens (inside a 50-metre radius).
Next, we cross-referenced company addresses with data from 100 of Australia’s biggest ad spenders, honing in on potential local delegates across the Eastern Seaboard.
ADMA ticket sales were then fed into our locational engine in near real-time, personalising screens with dynamic messaging to show prospective attendees where tickets had already been purchased.
To heighten anticipation and play on a ‘FOMO’ complex, our screens also featured a clock countdown in the lead-up to the two-day conference.

It’s not very often that you get to redefine what’s possible for a particular medium, so we were thrilled to be instrumental in this milestone achievement, delivering a truly unique idea for ADMA by pioneering personalised programmatic OOH.
ADMA Global Forum tickets sold out – and we were rapt with the feedback and coverage the campaign received from industry press.

MUMBRELLA     •        ADNEWS    •     CAMPAIGN BRIEF    •     B&T    •     THE STABLE


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