Website Re-Design

Despite 30 years in Australia and 50 years globally, ORIX was at a crossroads.
With 35% of its customers susceptible to churn and an ailing industry reputation, the business craved change in order to compete with the likes of LeasePlan, sg fleet and its main rival, Toyota Fleet Management.
Tonally, the website lacked a cohesive story which was discouraging Employees,
SMEs and Corporates from proceeding through the pathway to conversion, so a
complete audit and restructure of the existing content was required to ensure it was succinct and compelling.

The overarching purpose of the CX refresh was to align ORIX with its brand attributes
whilst propelling it into the top three Fleet Management tenders. To do that, we engineered
our Information Architecture to appeal to three distinct audiences – each with their own paths and goals – before qualifying them into their respective streams.
With technology fuelling expectations of customisation and cultural drivers like ‘appification’ and ‘datafication’ demanding customer-centric responsiveness, a content engine was built to increase organic SEO and position ORIX as the industry thought leader.
To balance Data and Design, we drew on classical aesthetic principals. Form and Function, therefore, informed the ‘soft’ copy tone and vibrant visual treatment while seamlessly offsetting the ‘hard’ coding of the hands on User Experience.
As its flagship digital property, orix.com.au now boasts smart interface design and an
ARI-style drop-down sub-navigation system – replete with smart links – to manoeuvre through the greater depth of emotionally resonant, conversion-focused, content.

The website launched in April 2017 and we are looking forward to some exciting results
in the near future.

What’s a new website without a new look and feel.
To match the responsive sense of movement, we created dynamic illustrations based
on existing brand colours – characters, people, vehicles and situations blending together in a modern, clean and fun style – each scene tailored to particular content in
abstract simplicity.
A suite of bespoke iconography was also developed to draw the eye to subject matter specific to each section and target audience.

Savings Calculator Representation
Savings Calculator Mobile Representation


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