Promotion Point of Sale

Pioneering the science of fresh

With proprietary technology like Vitaminsafe, EcoNavi and AgClean, we knew that Panasonic was already pioneering the science of fresh with its range of fridges. But our research discovered that, as intelligent as it was, its built-in genius hadn’t yet reached its full potential.
Specifically, we honed in on the flashing blue-green LED lights inside the Vitaminsafe vegetable crisper that ‘mimic the sun’ and boost Vitamin C content, postulating that if the LEDs can simulate natural sunlight, theoretically, they could also promote photosynthesis.
This led to our groundbreaking hypothesis: that the flashing blue-green LED lights inside Panasonic’s Vitaminsafe vegetable case can promote the growth of a micro-crop inside a sealed refrigerator unit (under controlled conditions).
So naturally, we rigged up a camera, planted some seeds, and closed the doors – only to open up a world of new possibilities.

Introducing the World’s First Farm In A Fridge, by Panasonic.
Our experiment started with a testing phase inside the Vitaminsafe using cotton wool, various seeds and water. After a few days under the blue-green LEDs our test crop started to sprout.
We then planted our seedlings in pots of soil fed by a water supply and nutrients and after 10 weeks, a world-first micro-crop of bean sprouts, radish leaves and green peas was successfully cultivated inside a domestic fridge.
A revolution in refrigeration, our fresh thinking not only proved we can grow food inside a fridge – it proves that Panasonic truly is pioneering the science of fresh.

The video was used internally at Panasonic to promote concepts of ‘tech’ and ‘fresh’ combining to go the extra food mile, tapping into eco ideas of zero wastage, biodiversity, sustainable living and most importantly – healthier, fresher and better-tasting food.
Supported by POS fridge signage and decals, we beta tested the ‘science of fresh’ concept in select retail stores.

Vine vinyl sticker
Milk carton packaging door insert
Milk bottle packaging door insert
Internal A-Frame
Fresh safe drawer
Prime fresh drawer insert
Point of Sale Instructions and mockup


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