Don't ignore a cough

Winter was coming and along with it the usual horde of cough remedies vying for consumer attention.
Despite 65 years’ global heritage, Prospan faced increasing competition so our task was to make the clinically proven natural cough medicine cut through the clutter of brands over winter – and all on a tiny budget.
So instead of simply saying we were the best – like all our competitors were shouting – our strategy was to engage healthcare professionals and mums (the primary caregivers) with a completely original angle. To do this, we set out to challenge human behaviour itself. 

Using qualitative research and online search pattern analysis, we discovered that huge pharma budgets weren’t our main competition, it was apathy – with healthcare professionals and mums unwilling to treat a cough with medicine thinking it will pass ‘naturally’ over time.
This led to our core creative idea – ‘Don’t Ignore A Cough’ – backed by insights telling us that unlike a cold, mums were just as likely to ignore a cough than treat it. So, naturally, we hyper-targeted them with a weather-polling app predicting exactly when their kids would get sick.
To ensure our messaging didn’t come across as condescending, we based our creative on a funny family truth, warming to mums with scenarios they could relate to.
In this way, suffering families and HCPs were encouraged to ‘Prospan it’ via a humorous creative campaign that dramatised a lingering cough’s impact, and a bespoke algorithm that dictated programmatic spend across digital, social, print and POS.

Sales have never been stronger for Prospan and since turning on our algorithm, click-through rates have surged by over 54%, with cost per click dropping by 67% – drastically reducing media costs and allowing our activity to stretch longer over the winter months.
But best of all, total unit sales have increased by 27% – proving the power of data is something you just can’t ignore.

ADNEWS     •     B&T     •     CAMPAIGN BRIEF     •     THE STABLE 

2017 APAC Effie Awards 2017 | Programmatic | FINALIST
2017 APAC Effie Awards 2017 | Healthcare | FINALIST
2017 APAC Effie Awards 2017 | Seasonal Marketing | FINALIST
2016 MSiX Awards | Best Use Of Clever Data | FINALIST

Prospan Case Study
Prospan GP Mailer


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